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SUKRISH-P (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria)


SUKRISH-P is Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, are capable of solubilize the inorganic phosphorus to Solubilized phosphorus compound in soil which becomes available for plants.

Available in: 1 kg pack as powder formulation and 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml and 1 litre packing as liquid formulation.

Application and Dose:

  1. Soil application: Apply liquid formulation @ 250 ml with 100 kg farm yard manure per acre and powder formulation @ 2-3 kg per acre and broadcast to the field.
  2. Root treatment: Dissolve @ 10 ml in 3 litre of water, dip seedlings for 3-4 hours before plantation.
  3. Foliar application: Apply @ 3-5 gm per litre of water.
  4. Drip irrigation: Apply @ 3 ml per litre of water.

Suitable crops: Applicable in tea, potato, all type vegetables and fruits.



1. Improves crop yield both by quality and quantity.

2. Facilitates root formation.

3. Produces plant growth promoting hormones there by improve plant health.

4. Enhances natural decomposition process in soil.

5. Helps in solubilizing or mobilizing the fixed nutrients form Soil Rhizosphere, thereby increasing uptake of nutrients by plants.

6. Helps to overcome the environmental stresses.