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Total’s Groundnut special contains all secondary micronutrients like Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur and Micronutrients like Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Molybdenum and Boron in optimum quantity and ensures healthy growth and increase the no. of pods.


Available in: 500 gm and 1 kg pack.

Application: Total’s Groundnut Special can be mixed with fungicides and insecticides.  2 times of sprays are recommend. First spray: 30 days after germination and Second spray: 20 days after first spray is given.

Dose: Dissolve 500 gm of Total’s Groundnut Special in 200 ltr of water and spray on both surfaces of leaves.



1. Supplies required secondary micronutrients during the growth period for healthy growth and increased yield both by in terms of groundnut quality & quantity.

2. Helps in setting of flowers and formation of pods even in unfavorable climate condition. 

3. Helps in healthy growth and developmental activities for formation of pods.