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SUKRISH-ASP (Azospirillum lipoferum)

SUKRISH-ASP is processed with Azospirillum lipoferum, a free living nitrogen fixing plant growth promoting rhizobia (PGPR) which fix nitrogen from atmosphere & enrich soil. Nitrogen is a major nutrient for all plants. SUKRISH- ASP is best suitable for alkaline as well as acid soil to enrich soil biologically.


Available in: 1 kg pack as powder formulation and 100 ml and 250 ml packing as liquid formulation.

Application and Dose:

  1. Soil application: Mix liquid formulation @ 250 ml with 100 kg farm yard manure for 1 acre land and powder formulation @ 2-3 kg per acre and broadcast to the field.
  2. Foliar application: Apply @ 3-5 gm per litre of water .
  3. Root treatment: Dissolve @ 10 ml in 3 litre of water, dip seedlings for 3-4 hours before plantation.
  4. Drip irrigation: Apply @ 3 ml per litre of water.
  5. Seed treatment: Mix @ 250 gm in 1 litre of water and treat 1 kg seed thoroughly with ensuring uniform coating. Dry under shade for 15-20 mins and broadcast in field.

Suitable crops: Applicable in field, garden, vegetables and orchard crops.



1. Fixes atmospheric nitrogen in soil.

2. Produces indole acetic acid (IAA), Gibberellic acid (GA).

3. Stimulates growth & imparts green color of plants.

4. Increases the density & branching of rootlets.

5. Increases uptake of mineral and water in plants.

6. Encourage plumpness, succulence & and protein content in fruits.